Thursday, April 30, 2020

Atomic Force Microscopy and micro-Ramam

The AFM-MicroRaman Unit combines two different techniques. On the one hand, Raman Spectroscopy that provides chemical identification, and on the other, Atomic Force Microscopy that allows the registration of the surface topography of a sample at the nanometric scale.

Confocal Raman Microscopy Service

It combines a Raman spectrometer (Raman spectroscopy) and a Confocal Microscope.
This microscope allows, through the Raman effect, to identify and characterize in a non-destructive and non-contact way the chemical structure of almost any compound, so that it is possible to identify particles of the order of the micron in isolation.

The Raman effect occurs when monochromatic radiation interacts with the material generating an inelastic scattering of light, obtaining, in general, a very weak signal since only 1 of approximately 106-108 incident photons contribute to the resulting Raman signal. The interaction of the incident radiation with matter produces changes at the atomic level that are detected by the Raman microscope and, therefore, the Raman signal constitutes a fingerprint of each sample giving unequivocal information about its chemical composition and the structure of the material.

Atomic Force Microscopy Service (AFM)

It is a mechanical-optical instrument capable of detecting atomic or molecular forces of the order of nanonewtons between a nanosized diameter tip and a sample. In this way, by tracking the sample with a very sharp point, we can continuously record the topography of its surface, thus obtaining a 2D and 3D image of the surface with a resolution of nanometers (10-9 m), as well as roughness data of simultaneously.

Atomic Force Microscopy + Raman-NTEGRA Service

This service integrates two techniques combined in a single system, atomic force microscopy (AFM) with Raman spectroscopy and confocal microscopy.

Simultaneous recording with nanometric precision of AFM measurements and Raman mapping of the same sample area provide essential complementary information on physical properties, topography, roughness analysis (AFM) and chemical composition (Raman), in order to be able to study the distribution of chemical properties with molecular resolution.


InVia Reflex Raman Microscope

It has applications in a wide range of fields:

Earth Sciences (Geochemistry) (identification of gems, precious stones, inclusions in minerals, etc.), biology and life sciences (identification of organelles and biomolecules), environment (determination of contamination by metal complexes in soils, etc.), electronics companies, semiconductors, pharmaceuticals, materials sciences (study of polymers, nanoparticles, thin films, inorganic compounds, analysis of carbon compounds, carbon nanotubes, graphene, graphite, etc. .), in fine arts and humanities (analysis of paintings and pigments of historical works of art as an aid for an accurate restoration or an authentication), in forensic science or scientific police (identification of drugs and explosives), chemical and physical sciences. To get additional details, view here: atom microscopy

Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)

This technique has been essential in the development of nanotechnology for the characterization and visualization of materials at nanometric dimensions, with which it has applications in many scientific fields:

Physics, materials science (paint companies, automobile industry, etc.) , microelectronics, engineering, chemistry, thin layers (surface roughness analysis), biology and medicine (obtaining three-dimensional images of proteins, DNA, etc.).

AFM + Raman Ntegra Spectra Microscope

Due to the combination of two complementary techniques, it has applications of great interest:
Biology and medicine (analysis of biological structures), materials science (study of carbon materials, graphene, carbon nanotubes, nanostructures), polymers, semiconductors, geochemistry ( characterization and identification of inclusions in minerals).

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Atomic Force Microscopy and micro-Ramam

The AFM-MicroRaman Unit combines two different techniques. On the one hand, Raman Spectroscopy that provides chemical identificat...